Julian and Sally’s wedding

For those of you who don’t know, I spent the best part of yesterday preparing for Julian and Sally’s wedding. I had to set off for Bury first thing in the morning because, being the muppet that I am, I had left my suit at my house at home. It was a three hour round trip to get there and back, but I made it in plenty of time.

Seeing how awful the weather was (raining and a strong wind), I decided to be a bit lazy and get the bus to Didsbury where the church was rather than walk. Unfortunately this meant I got there about half an hour early, bumping into Proogs at the gates, only to find that almost everyone I knew had already arrived!

The service was conducted by Julian’s father, who did an excellent job of keeping things going and giving us all a laugh with his jokes. The songs were fairly lively—although the only one known to us non-church-goers was “Amazing Grace” (classic song that always seems to appear at weddings/funerals/christenings, even though it does move a lot of people to tears). However, for me the most heart-warming part of the whole service was when Sally came walking down the aisle and you could just see from the way they looked at each other that this would be the happiest day of their lives. Awww! 🙂

After the service were the mandatory photos, although not being a relative of either the bride or the groom I was only on the first one (that being everyone in the church), until later on when Chris shouted “right, everyone who uses UA, get on the stage!”, which was rather amusing. No doubt that particular photo will be on the web sometime soon.

Once the majority of the photos were over we stood around chatting for a while, pondering things such as whether I looked younger than Jason (it was decided that I do, for which I need to get revenge on Graham) and the sizes of baths for some reason. I also noticed how I was introduced as “Tory Paul” with a very quiet whisper, as if you shouldn’t be heard saying the T**y word in public. 🙂

Seeing as a group of us weren’t going to the reception, we all headed off to the pub for something to eat (that’s the problem with weddings in the late afternoon, it’s too late for lunch but a bit early for tea) and drink. I don’t know why, but for some reason I felt a bit detached at the pub, like I wasn’t really all there (and no I hadn’t been drinking!). Lizzy’s attempt to cheer me up was amusing though—“it could be worse, you could be getting married”. 🙂 Apparently I also need a reason for sending more than a certain number of pages to anyone on UA, otherwise she starts demanding to know why (because of course you couldn’t possibly talk to someone because they’re interesting and you like the conversation).

It was decided at some point that we would go back to Tom and Jules’ flat to play on their GameCube rather than continue the pubbage (it was getting rather loud and Cez had already got a bad reaction from the waitress when he asked if the music could be turned down a bit). Seeing as I was still in my suit and Lizzy was still in a dress, everyone went home to get changed and then was going to meet back up at Sainsburys to get food/beer before going to Tom/Jules’.

Unfortunately, being the forgetful git that I am, I left my phone at home when I went out so I couldn’t ring anyone to see whether they had got to Sainsburys or not. Dashing back, I managed to get hold of Lizzy and find out where the house was, although it’s a good job I didn’t follow her instructions to the letter because she told me to look out for the Total garage when in fact it was a Texaco one. 🙂

The rest of the evening was spent playing Mario Kart and Sonic on the GameCube, during which I managed to lose every single game I played. It was a good laugh though, and kudos to Tom and Jules for letting us come round, and double kudos to Tom for coming and finding me at the Texaco station. 🙂

All in all, it was a good day, despite the occassional downs. I finally feel that I fit in at Warped now though, which is a good feeling, and the same goes for UA. Before now I wasn’t really sure where I stood but I’m now comfortable with being in both groups. I’m just looking forward to the various photos and seeing how bad a cameraman I am (I got handed Kate’s camera and sent to the front to take pictures).

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12 thoughts on “Julian and Sally’s wedding

  1. Julian is someone who used to go to Warped (the sci-fi society at university) and I know him through there, plus he’s on UA and he works at the same place as Tom and Jon. Sally I don’t really know, and I don’t think I have ever actually met her (other than at the wedding, but even then I didn’t speak to her).

    UA is short for UNaXcess, it’s the code for a bulletin board system, although when I refer to it I mean the instance running at ua2.org. It’s like the LuBBS thing that Dan keeps mentioning.

  2. I thought they had switched at some point, wasn’t sure if they’d actually done it or not—I remember someone mentioning it on UA a while back.

    I’m surprised they’re not using version 2, I didn’t know that version 1 was still available for download. I’d register for LuBBs myself but it’s Lancaster-only as far as I know.

  3. UNaXcess 1 is available all over the place, whereas UNaXcess2 is only available to users of UA2 (and it’s polite to ask Techno before using it elsewhere).

  4. Don’t register! Make us a website!

    Make who a web site, and for what?

    UNaXcess2 is only available to users of UA2

    Ah, I only just noticed that UA2 is in the memberes only area. I’ve no intention of using it elsewhere, except perhaps setting up my own little UA server but I’d ask Techno first if that was the case.

  5. Did you go to it?

    Nah, wasn’t invited.

    Curiously LuBBS’ code is also UNaXcess. Version 1 rather than 2 though.

    LuBBs is currently at a rather old codebase, there have been numerous attempts to rewrite it, each failing at the “oh no, we actually have a degree to pass stage”.

    Somebody at UA offered to code to v.2 to us, I hear our current sysop then had to take a moment to be sick after his the tear the code brought to his eyes 😛

    The currently copyright notice:

    Copyright© 1992-2000 Chris Martin
    UNaXcess Interface Copyright© 1984, 1985, 1986 Brandon S. Allbery
    LuBBs Interface Copyright© 1990, 1991 Andrew J. Stoker

  6. Aw – if you see Julian and Sally offer em my congratulations…I should really come back onto Disc!

    The wedding sounded fun 🙂

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